1. Currently, we offer shipping to selected areas only. Please confirm the shipping location before placing the order from our representatives.
  2. Generally, Your order is dispatched from our warehouse within 1-2 business days and will be delivered to your address within 7 to 10 business days.
  3. In case of special request, for instance, if added certification is required, we will need 2-3 extra business days to prepare & dispatch your order.
  4. Is your product safe & insured ?  We make all necessary arrangements to keep your order safe during the logistic process. We also make sure that every part of your order is insured.
  5. How Can You Track Your Order & Shipment? You can log in to your account and check your order status at We do share the tracking details shared by Logistics Partners wherever applicable

International Shipping: – We ship internationally to selected locations. Please confirm the shipping location before placing the order.